Mawaranai Sushi (回らない寿司) Part 1

Sep 2, 2019 14:16
Mawaranai Sushi Part 1

September 1st was my birthday, so my friend and I did something special.

It is to go to eat 'mawaranai sushi' (回らない寿司).

Since 'mawaru' (回る) means "to rotate," 'nai' (ない) is the negative suffix, and 'sushi' (寿司) means "sushi" (a traditional Japanese cuisine), the literal meaning of 'mawaranai sushi' is "sushi that does not rotate."

To tell you the truth, 'mawaranai sushi' is a slang term that was made as an antonym of 'kaiten zushi' (回転寿司), the literal meaning of which is "rotating sushi."

To be continued.
回らない寿司 Part 2



「回る」は "to rotate"、「ない」は否定語、「寿司」は "sushi" を意味するので、「回らない寿司」の文字どおりの意味は "sushi that does not rotate" です。


No. 1 シャル❇️'s correction
  • It is to go to eat 'mawaranai sushi' (回らない寿司).
  • We went to eat 'mawaranai sushi' (回らない寿司).
     Since the action was done in the past.
Belated Happy Birthday, Toru san ~
Thank you for the correction and comment! Sharu san. (^^)

You are welcome.